Dance Portraits with the Beautiful Flora Ferguson

Capturing dance portraits for Flora Ferguson was this photographers dream job. Flora came to me in the summer needing some amazing portraits to brand herself. This included some fantastic branding portraits that she could submit to a talent agency in Toronto. It also included some action dance shots that demonstrated her dance ability. We scheduled the session for the end of the summer. Unfortunately, a couple of weeks before the session, Flora injured herself during dance class. She had to take a few weeks off to heal. We still moved ahead with the portrait session on the original date. We started with some indoor studio portraits, and then moved outdoors to get some editorial type shots. Flora was so much fun to capture. She has a totally fun and bubbly personality. She exudes energy and positivity, which all came through loud and clear in her portraits. She loved her time in front of the camera. And I thoroughly enjoyed my time behind the camera.

We booked the environmental portion of the dance session several weeks later when she had healed. Luckily, we landed a weekend where the temperatures were still bearable enough to be outside in her dance costumes. Flora liked the idea of having some interesting architecture in her shots, so we headed to Toronto. We toured around and found a great variety of locations that complimented her amazing talent. Flora and her family were thrilled with the images. Some of the portraits were sent off to the talent agency, and other images were used for dance competitions. She’s got a beautiful canvas hanging in her room – preserving a memory forever. And her parents have a beautiful portrait of her hanging on their wall. (#printyourportraits)  Thank you so much Flora for giving me the opportunity to capture your beauty and talent. I wish you all the best in your future. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds!dance portraitportfolio headshotdance photographydance portraitdanceracro dancedance photographylyrical dancedance portrait

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