Branding Photography with Driven Performance

Great branding photography is essential in today’s world where images have surpassed text as the most effective way to send a message. Do you have great images that reflect you and your brand? Communication has changed so much, even in just the past five years. I remember when Instagram first came out. I couldn’t understand the purpose of it. What was the draw? Now, I, like you probably, am on Instagram several times a day. We communicate to the world about ourselves and about our businesses on Instagram, Facebook and on our personal websites. If we want to sell our business or to sell ourselves as an expert in a certain field we need to have great images to convey our message, our product and our brand.

Greg VanLeeuwen at Driven Performance understands this all too well. I spent an afternoon with Greg in his “garage”. I use the term loosely as I probably could have eaten a meal off of his floor, it was that spotless. Greg’s shop speaks volumes to the high end, creative and unique work that he does for his clients. Greg build’s one of a kind, dream cars, for car lovers. His work is meticulous and one of a kind. Greg himself, is super friendly and approachable and very talented. We captured images for his social media to help convey his brand message and his personality. If your social media and website images need some updating, call to inquire about your personal branding photography session. Check him out on instagram @driven2performance

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